Ambassador Training 5: Evil as Evidence for God

When people ask why a good God would allow evil, chances are they've never stopped to consider how they know the difference between good and evil. If there is an objective, universal standard of good and evil that every human knows in their heart, then where did that "moral law" come from? Answer: it came from a Moral Law Giver. --- Support this podcast:

May 11
30 min
Iron Sharpens Iron

Past Episodes


Mission Briefing 11: Groundhog Day

Men’s Alliance

Don't focus on winning the girl. Focus on being becoming a better man. --- Support this podcast:

Feb 12
12 min
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Ep 53: Do Hard Things w/ Jeff VanAtta

Men’s Alliance

We are not tasked with living an easy life, but are commanded by Jesus to do things that are hard. Listen to some of his commands and think about those in the Bible who have experienced hard times.  The world has gotten to comfortable where even driving to work is now considered a hardship.  Learn about the concept of Misogi and how it can help you create challenges that will truly test you, instead of easy goals that we can achieve.  Link to the Hard Times Create Strong Men Image --- Support this podcast:

Oct 01
08 min
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War Stories 1: The Funeral

Men’s Alliance

Dusty "Shadow" Parker's personal story of life and death in the Marine Corps, the surprise lesson he learned at a funeral, and how that should make us all live differently. --- Support this podcast:

Jul 22
38 min
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Ep 35: Make the Call

Men’s Alliance

On Memorial Day we honor the men and women who laid down their life for our freedom. The Apostle John tells us that there is no greater love than a man laying down his life for his friends.  In this podcast you'll find out who laid down their life 1,988 years ago for all of us, and what you and I both have in common with LT Mike Murphy. --- Support this podcast:

May 28
08 min
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Mission Briefing 19: Bad Medicine

Men’s Alliance

When things get hard what do you reach for? What we reach for when things get hard and uncomfortable, may become the next challenge that we need to overcome. The right medicine is setting your eyes and focus on God in all situations. --- Support this podcast:

Apr 15
06 min
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