Ambassador Training 8: Shellfish & Atrocities

Do Christians just cherry-pick the parts from the Bible that they like? Is religion responsible for most wars and atrocities? Let's look at how we, as Christian Ambassadors, should respond to these accusations. --- Support this podcast:

Jul 19
25 min
Iron Sharpens Iron

Past Episodes


Ep 175: How Great Men Grieve

Men’s Alliance

Johanna Stamps, a licensed grief counselor, talks about how we have to acknowledge grief and mourn in order to continue to move towards God’s vision for our life.  Many items can be lost such as a job, pets, friendships, and marriages.  As men, we need to take time and space to let our brain catch up to the event that has happened. Johanna shares her 7 steps included below and talks about the power of writing a closure letter on the grief you are going through. How to connect with Johanna:johannastamps.com804 944 [email protected] Men’s Alliance | How Great Men Grieve “If you loved it, and lost it, then grieve it” Grief is like an epic hike through a desolate land. 7 Steps of the Journey: 1. TRAILHEAD: AT THE BEGINNING OF THE JOURNEY a. Set the intention to heal, to integrate b. Look for a sign you are grieving: Cognitive, Affective, Physical, Spiritual c. You ONLY work where grief is coming up, that’s the beginning d. Feel the pain (No pain, No gain)... It brings healing 2. LOOK AT THE MAP (Pssst... it’s a magical map) a. The magical map only appears as you walk forward in your grief b. It’s completely unique to you (circumstance, personality, etc.) c. Dispel misconceptions (don’t look for stages) 3. BEGIN WALKING a. Small doses as it comes up b. One thing at a time c. We cannot grieve all at one time. We wouldn’t be able to take it! d. Be creative... example: recognizing important dates (or your body will tell you) 4. GATHER WITH OTHERS - DON’T GRIEVE IN ISOLATION a. Grieving is internal - Mourning is your external or public experience of grief b. ESSENTIAL - speak about the experience of the loss, memories, etc. c. Moves from the head to the heart (READ THIS AGAIN!!!) d. Look for the 1⁄3 who are good with grief (most likely someone who has dealt with their own grief) 5. STOP FOR REST a. Sustenance for your epic journey b. Maybe learn to rest for the first time 6. EXERCISE JOY AND PAIN MUSCLE a. Like any normal ruck or hike there is joy with the pain b. Practice this often when you are grieving 7. GET TO THE LOOKOUT a. Reflect on how far you have come (when you look at the loss with less pain) b. See parts of yourself that are becoming whole again - integrating the loss c. This is OFTEN understanding who you are (e.g. identity) Sponsor: Tom 'Doc' Love CFP®, CRPC®, CRPS® [email protected] Craig Heah. [email protected] ⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:

May 02
1 hr 21 min
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Ep 138: America's Men in Crisis

Men’s Alliance

This week Goose talks shares his vision for Men's Alliance and discusses an article about manhood. Mentioned in the Podcast this week: MA Start the Fire weekend November 10,11 2023 MA Patch Class video Ambassador t-Shirt link Manhood: The Masculine Virtues that America Needs by Josh Hawley --- Support this podcast:

Jun 29
23 min
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Ep 17: Firefighters of Men's Alliance

Men’s Alliance

Listen as three firefighters talk about why they joined Men's Alliance and what keeps them coming back each week! Thanks Backdraft, Pedals, and Sunshine for making such an great podcast episode! --- Support this podcast:

Jan 22
18 min
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Ep 169: Underground w/Matt Osborne

Men’s Alliance

Matt Osborne lays out the shocking details of the global slave trade, and how over 40 million people worldwide are slaves. Matt shares how he was called to serve at Operation Underground Railroad and how the organization is making a huge difference. Sound of Freedom - Movie Underground Railroad - website --- Support this podcast:

Mar 21
51 min
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Ep 90: Toxic Masculinity

Men’s Alliance

We live in a world where people believe that masculinity is toxic. So, what are we to do? Be less masculine? Sit silently on the sidelines lest someone accuse us of being toxic. Or...should our lives demonstrate that real masculinity is both physically strong and emotionally caring? Jesus taught us to be both strong and loving, to face our fears, and to lay down our lives for others. That is real masculinity. --- Support this podcast:

Jun 17
15 min
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