You have already chosen right over wrong, now it's time to choose to carry more. As leaders, we should look for opportunities to shoulder more of the load, and to do it quietly, without needing any fanfare. --- Support this podcast:
Rick "Rudy" Ezell talks about his faith journey and following the evidence as he moved from the Mormon church, to becoming a Jehovah's witnesses, stepping away, and finding what he was searching for. The past is never a waste, it becomes a way God uses to connect with others. Book Recommendations: Irresistible by Andy Stanley Podcast Episodes Referenced: Men's Alliance Podcast Ambassador Training 2: What do Christian's Believe? --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeGoose discusses the significance of finding a good counselor and the importance of restoring relationships rather than ending them. He shares his experiences with both giving and receiving counseling and the potential harm caused by a bad counselor who advised him to leave his marriage based on personal happiness rather than what is right. Goose emphasizes the importance of communication and conflict resolution skills in repairing relationships and warns against counselors who encourage ending relationships or labeling them as toxic. He suggests that such counselors may be motivated by popularity and their advice could contradict Christian teachings. All in all, Goose encourages individuals to seek counseling from someone who will help them see that relationship problems are temporary and provide tools to fix them. Follow Men's Alliance Instagram - Facebook - Tiktok - Website - Order the Book - Answer With Truth: The Ambassador’s Field Manual for Leading Your Family Spiritually - --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeEver feel like the Men's Alliance workout is too hard? Like the bar is set too high? In this podcast you'll hear how that is a metaphor for our spiritual lives, too. The standard set for us is Jesus Christ and we all fall short of the mark. At Men's Alliance we give ourselves grace when we fall short of the standard, but we will never lower the bar. Not physically and not spiritually either. --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeMen’s Alliance is the fuel additive to your church’s gas tank. MA gets men off the sidelines and deployed in their church by training men in leadership & discipleship! Request a custom built MA weekend at your church: --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeJust in time for Valentines day, this week Goose talks with Mike Flynn, who has decades of relationship counseling experience. Listen as Mike guides us through ways to sharpen our relationships, to become stronger husbands, fathers, and leaders. Books Recommended: Safe People by Henry Cloud Emotionally, Healthy, Spiritually by Peter Scazzero 7 Caregiver Landmines by Peter Rosenberger Podcast Mentioned: MA podcast Ep 6 flight instruments How to Reach Mike: Christian Counseling Associates ( RVA4Wellness --- Support this podcast:
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