This week features fathers who are spiritual leaders in their household: Aaron "Brick" Hill, Josh "Ranger" Davis, and David "Sunshine" Noel. Listen as they get Real and discuss what works for their families, admitting their faults, prayer in the house, and how to challenge their children to grow. Book Recommendations: Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids will Ask about Christianity - Alex Mcfarland The Jesus Storybook Bible Dad Tired and Loving it - Jerrad Lopes --- Support this podcast:
What is your daily practice to bring you closer to Christ? Listen to hear about how a new daily practice can be formed. If you already have a practice are you still growing from it, or do you need to reengage and do things differently. Here are some of the tools talked about in todays episode: you version bible app for your phone - Book - Atomic Habits by James Clear - Box Breathing - Retired Navy Seal Commander Mark Devine - Bible Reading Plan - --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeHave you stopped watching the news because it brings you down? Have you given it up altogether? Here's my take on hearing men say that they don't even watch the news anymore. Let me know if you agree or disagree by emailing [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeRetired Vice Admiral William "Dean" Lee returns to the podcast with an update from his last appearance on Episode 102. He also discusses losing his tribe and affirming that Isolation is Terminal. How you discover who your real friends are and how to continue to showing boldness in the workplace, and normalizing prayer. Podcasts Episodes: Ep 102: Full Interview with Vice Admiral William "Dean" Lee Boldness in the Workplace w/ Vice Admiral William "Dean" Lee --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeDo you quit when you hit a snag? Do you walk away when there's a dispute? As Christian men, should we work out our problems or ghost those who offend us? When it comes to church, many men walk away because it isn't perfect when they should be rolling up their sleeves and working to make it better. --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeHave you ever looked at a compass and tried to turn just one degree? A change that small is unnoticeable at first, but over time it will put you miles off course. So many things in life are like that, and we allow ourselves to be ok with being one degree off course then we will never become the men we set out to be. In this episode you'll hear how to set your compass each day in order to stay on course. --- Support this podcast:
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