Jeff Voth joins the podcast to discuss the dangers men face in today’s culture and lays out the five tactics for men to follow to reclaim their manhood. Jeff shares his experience of getting men out of their comfort zones and doing hard things to create lasting change. Learn More: Cave time - book Serpent Crusher - book Mountains & Manhood - movie Book Mentioned: Tender Warrior by Stuart Weber Warrior Knight 9/2—9/22 Sign up now! Support MA Sponsor: Chris 'Coop' Norwood w/ Towne Bank Mortgage Phone: 804-439-3206 --- Support this podcast:
We all make mistakes; we all crash into the rocks at some point in our life. The question is are you going to let that failure sink you to the bottom permanently, or will you illuminate the dangers to help keep others from making the same mistake? As Christian men, we can't allow our past failures to keep us on the sideline. Our families still need us to lead them spiritually. So get back up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game! Find your tribe at --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeRetired Vice Admiral William "Dean" Lee returns to the podcast with an update from his last appearance on Episode 102. He also discusses losing his tribe and affirming that Isolation is Terminal. How you discover who your real friends are and how to continue to showing boldness in the workplace, and normalizing prayer. Podcasts Episodes: Ep 102: Full Interview with Vice Admiral William "Dean" Lee Boldness in the Workplace w/ Vice Admiral William "Dean" Lee --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeIn the Air Force we study our charts and mark the high terrain in order to avoid crashing. Yet many men are flying through life unaware of the dangers that can destroy their marriage. If we are to be the husbands and fathers that God designed us to be then we must know the threats that are out there and avoid them at all costs. --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeWhether you’re brand new to Men's Alliance or you’ve earned your MA patch, Start Here with this podcast and understand not only the what, but the why of MA. Join a Tribe or Start One! Sign up for an MA experience --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeThis week Landon 'Holiday' Karlsson, Carter ' Magic' Samuel, and Braeden 'Animal' Mills join the podcast to share the teenagers' view of MA. In Men’s Alliance, teenagers are able to lead adults in workouts and devotions and gain mentors along the way. MA is a great way for fathers and sons to deepen their relationship and have meaningful conversations. Find your Tribe- MA website Sponsor: Gibson 'Rooster' Vaught Financial Growth Partners [email protected] 804-357-5919 --- Support this podcast:
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