Relating our personal redemption story doesn’t bring others to Jesus. Sharing the truth of Jesus is what matters, and sharing the facts leads others to accept Jesus as their savior. More about J. Warner Wallace: - website The Truth in True Crime - Book Cold Case Christianity - Book Forensic Faith - Book Person of Interest - Book Cold Case for Christianity for Kids - Book Sponsor: Chris 'Coop' Norwood w/ Towne Bank Mortgage Phone: 804-439-3206 --- Support this podcast:
There is a narrative about you right now telling you that you need to be silent. That you need to conform. They're trying to cancel Christian Men. Romans 12:2 tells us that we are not to conform to this world - we're supposed to be different. Take a stand today and pray for boldness in your life to reject the narrative and be a Barbarian Ambassador for Christ! Launching a Tribe Support: Men's Alliance website MA Start the Fire weekend November 10,11 2023 Sponsors: Tom Love CFP®, CRPC®, CRPS® [email protected] Craig Heah. [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeThis week Chris "Knuckles" Luck rejoins the show to discuss confusing bible verses. Listen to Knuckles previous podcast episode War Stories 2: Hells Angels. Greg Koukl says "Never read a bible verse. Instead always read a paragraph at least". The Bible contains many different styles of writing such as: biography, poetry, letters, and history. We have to avoid taking verses out of context from the Bible and applying verses to our life if they were written for others. Always continue to learn more about the context of the verses, we do this by talking with other trusted Christians and reading commentaries such as the ones listed below. Suggested Bible Commentaries: Warren Wiersbe Matthew Henry John MacArthur Wayne Grudem --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeIf we aren’t having daily conversations with our wife about things other than kids, bills, and scheduling then we are drifting apart. Period. Stop saying you don’t have time and make it a priority today! --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeWhat is "Progressive Christianity"? Why are celebrity singers and mega-church pastors "deconverting"? And what does the New Testament have to say about homosexuality? Check out this episode for answers to these questions and more. --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeHave you stopped watching the news because it brings you down? Have you given it up altogether? Here's my take on hearing men say that they don't even watch the news anymore. Let me know if you agree or disagree by emailing [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
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