More tribesman boldly step forward, to share their stories and help others to learn from their experience. Listen as they discuss signs that things were not working well, and what they have done to move forward. Podcast Mentioned: War Stories 11: Second Chances Sponsor:Chris 'Coop' Norwood w/ Towne Bank MortgagePhone: 804-439-3206 --- Support this podcast:
In this world you will have struggles. In this Mission Briefing hear about an angry situation that turned around after prayer and support of a band of brothers. --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeThere are two reasons a person doesn’t follow orders. Either they don’t have the will or they don’t have the skill. We have been given a direct order in the great commission which orders us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28). Men’s Alliance trains Barbarian Ambassadors through Carry the Fire to: solidify their will and gain the skills needed by teaching a rugged and practical course on apologetics. Learn more about Carry the Fire: --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeWords of wisdom from Col Jeffrey Katz, Chief of Police for Chesterfield, VA, on what he has seen happening to manhood in our culture, and what he recommends needs to be done! --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeMany churches today have surrendered the battleground of men's hearts and focused instead on bringing in a demographic that's easier to attract - kids. This mistake has led to the feminization of church. It's time for the church to meet men where they are by un-bundling the message of Jesus from the routine of "going to church." "When a mother comes to Christ, her family will join her at church only 17% of the time; but when a father comes to Christ, his family joins him 93% of the time." - Find your tribe at --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeWhat is "Progressive Christianity"? Why are celebrity singers and mega-church pastors "deconverting"? And what does the New Testament have to say about homosexuality? Check out this episode for answers to these questions and more. --- Support this podcast:
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