Ep 23: Planning for Failure w/ Jeff Van Atta

Are you holding back in your life, living small, planning for failure? Here are two stories that show how I was planning for failure without noticing, then taking ownership. Are you holding back in your life, living small, planning for failure? What about your walk with Christ? What are the ways you can plan and take action on for strength? Find your tribe at mensalliancetribe.com  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Mar 05
05 min
Iron Sharpens Iron

Past Episodes


Ep 10: Brown Belts Needed

Men’s Alliance

You don't need a PhD or a black belt in order to be good at something.  Step up and lead with the gifts that you do have, and don't let imperfection keep you on the sideline. find your tribe at mensalliancetribe.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Dec 04
04 min
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Ep 26: When Marriage Sucks

Men’s Alliance

The old phrase "Marriage takes hard work" is a gross understatement. The truth is there will be times when you want to kill each other! But when you find yourself in one of these low points in marriage and you're thinking about walking away, know this - we've all been there, and it will get better.  Hey, we wouldn't have to take a vow before God that "until death do us part" if this marriage thing were supposed to be easy! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Mar 26
11 min
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Ep. 205: Why Does the Church Serve Junk? How We Should Serve God with Good Health and Food Habits

Men’s Alliance

One of the first instructions in Genesis God gave us as humans was what we should eat — so WHY are our churches one of the worst places you can be for a healthy and nutrition-filled meal? There is a pandemic of sugar addiction and obesity in our culture and in our churches, and our guest Matthew Gay, author of “Fit Church: Destroying the Division between Following Christ and Living a Healthy Life”, is here to spread his ministry of helping Christians get closer to God by separating themselves from an unhealthy lifestyle. Check out Fit Church - https://amzn.to/40YTcZP Matt Gay on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitchurchunited/ Register for the National Rally! https://www.mensalliancetribe.com/experiences/national-rally#register Follow Men's Alliance Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mensalliancetribe/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mensalliancetribe Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mensalliancetribe Website - https://www.mensalliancetribe.com/ Order the Book - Answer With Truth: The Ambassador’s Field Manual for Leading Your Family Spiritually - https://amzn.to/3BmnuKV --- Support this podcast: https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Nov 21
50 min
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War Stories 11: Second Chances

Men’s Alliance

Men’s Alliance Founder Dave 'Goose' Mills talks about his past failures, and while Satan wants to use our past sins to keep us quiet, we need to get back up and get back in the game. Podcasts Referenced:Ep 2: One degree off https://open.spotify.com/episode/46petkSfKz4tKtjtcrJaaG?si=7tMYB-VlTXqAdjVBCIW64AEp 32: High Terrainhttps://open.spotify.com/episode/4hSGAXG3mtDD2wbWn3OoDr?si=J2SPrJM7SjO2BOO52nElHAEp 49: Be More Offensivehttps://open.spotify.com/episode/6VLGE5frda3mM7BmoYPjno?si=00286ea33fee4ec3Support the MA mission:https://www.mensalliancetribe.com/support --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Mar 07
51 min
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Ep. 202: Jesus WANTS us to Take Risks Through Faith - Leadership & Culture ft. Pastor Brian Hughes

Men’s Alliance

Pastor Brian Hughes from Passion Community Church shares his journey to faith, which began later in life after experiencing a pivotal moment with his daughter. Despite initial challenges and criticisms, Brian followed God's guidance to create a church for non-traditional churchgoers, leading to significant growth and impact. His emphasis on trusting in God's provision, taking risks, and fostering a culture of transparency and delegation has allowed the church to thrive and reach a wider audience. The importance of aligning actions with God's will, seeking feedback, and empowering others within the organization are key themes in Brian's leadership approach, ultimately resulting in a supportive and accountable community focused on continuous progress and following God's calling. Sponsor: Hawkins Health and Fitness Nick 'Coach' Hawkins 804-638-1386 Buy Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: https://amzn.to/3YH9mW5 Follow Men's Alliance Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mensalliancetribe/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mensalliancetribe Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mensalliancetribe Website - https://www.mensalliancetribe.com/ Order the Book - Answer With Truth: The Ambassador’s Field Manual for Leading Your Family Spiritually - https://amzn.to/3BmnuKV --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Oct 31
1 hr 23 min
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