Ep 87: The Bad News First

The good news of Jesus doesn't make any sense unless we first understand the depths of the bad news. We're all sinners who deserve separation from God for all eternity. That's some bad news right there. Sadly, many churches in America are afraid of giving the bad news. They want to be popular and preach feel-good messages that won't offend anyone.  But a church that tries to please everyone ends up pleasing no one. Find a healthy church where the pastor isn't afraid to talk about sin and hell and why it is that we need the good news of Christ. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

May 27
16 min
Iron Sharpens Iron

Past Episodes


Ep 118: How & Why We Worship

Men’s Alliance

With Men's Alliance being comprised of over nine different denominations, we have a vast array of worship styles.  This week, listen to several tribesmen share how they worship and their worship progression over the years.   While we may worship differently according to our own gifts and expressions, we all agree on the important aspect of  worshiping God. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Feb 02
1 hr 02 min
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Ep 72: Top Guy Movies of Men's Alliance

Men’s Alliance

In this podcast we take a break from our usual short devotional to talk about our favorite guy movies, and why it's important to choose movies where the man leads like a man should.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Feb 11
31 min
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Ep 51: Weirdo Christians

Men’s Alliance

Did you grow up in a weird, cringy church like I did?  Maybe you think that if you don't hand out gospel tracts on the street corner or enjoy singing old hymns then you're not a "good Christian."   I'm hear to tell you that being a Christian has nothing to do with any of that, and that you can be as badass as you want to be and still be a follower of Christ! Check out our M.A. shirts right here. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Sep 17
11 min
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Ep 108: Our Role to the Youth

Men’s Alliance

Listen as we discuss 12 things we must do as men to be role models to the youth.  This list of 12 things helps fulfill our mission statement of sharpening men to be the fathers, husbands, and leaders God designed us to be.  Imagine if you had been surrounded and mentored by men who lived this way and ingrained these things in you.      --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Nov 17
46 min
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Mission Briefing 06: Default to Training

Men’s Alliance

Are you prepared for questions or statements about your beliefs? As men we are the spiritual leaders and we need to engage questions. We default to our training, so if you aren't already, then sign up for Start the Fire or the ultimate training with Carry the Fire which will equip you to explain what you believe and why. Learn more about how to launch a Tribe - ⁠Start the Fire⁠ Strengthen your Leadership & Discipleship (Patch) - ⁠Carry the Fire⁠ https://www.mensalliancetribe.com/experiences Support the growth of Men's Alliance https://www.mensalliancetribe.com/support --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Jan 08
10 min
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