Episode 212: Pastor Shares Thoughts on Men’s Alliance and Why Boundaries Are Important ft. ‘Rev’

Paul ‘Rev’ Atkinson stops by the show to share his story of finding Men’s Alliance and how sowing that one seed in someone else can create a life long impact. Rev comes by way of LCBC Church and shares his excitement for Men’s Alliance in their ministry and talks about boundaries as a pastor and might wake you up to what being in ministry is really like! Watch on YouTube! - https://youtu.be/2TEtBE50f8g Highlights from the Conversation: • How a simple invite at a tattoo shop led to life-changing moments for many men, including Rev himself. • The unique challenges pastors face in maintaining authenticity and balance, and how Men’s Alliance provides a space for spiritual growth and connection. • Why every Christian man should step into a tribe: from easy invites to life-changing brotherhood and practical leadership. • Rev’s insights on creating meaningful boundaries, leading with authenticity, and prioritizing spiritual health in your family and community. 8th Annual Birthday Dinner & Fundraiser is TOMORROW! Register NOW! https://www.mensalliancetribe.com/experiences/ma-birthday-dinner-fundraiser Register for the National Rally in May! https://www.mensalliancetribe.com/experiences/national-rally Sponsor: Chris 'Coop' Norwood w/ Towne Bank Mortgage Phone: 804-439-3206 ⁠⁠https://townebankmortgage.com/officers/chris-norwood/⁠ ⁠ Follow Men's Alliance Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mensalliancetribe/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mensalliancetribe Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mensalliancetribe Website - https://www.mensalliancetribe.com/ Order the Book - Answer With Truth: The Ambassador’s Field Manual for Leading Your Family Spiritually - https://amzn.to/3BmnuKV

Jan 09
1 hr 07 min
Iron Sharpens Iron

Past Episodes


Ep 155: Why Homeschool w/ David Nunnery

Men’s Alliance

David Nunnery from Teach Them Diligently, joins Goose this week to talk homeschooling, and leading your family in discipleship. There doesn't have to be a reason you are running away from traditional school such as a bad teacher or a bully. The important thing is making sure you have a mission for why you are homeschooling. Need more resources or want to learn more about homeschooling? Check out the links below: Find out more about David: Teach them Diligently -website Homeschooling Families - Podcast Meet other Home school Parents - conventions Sponsor: Hawkins Health and Fitness Nick 'Coach' Hawkins Find out more: 804-638-1386 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Nov 02
1 hr 16 min
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Ep 109: Our Role to the Youth pt. 2

Men’s Alliance

Listen as Quack finishes up his list of the 12 things we must do in our role to the youths. As discussed in the episode here is the link for the Skit Guys - God's chisel https://youtu.be/3QCkBL2DfVg --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Nov 24
45 min
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Ep 56: The Remnant w/ Connor Dillingham

Men’s Alliance

When did we start believing that God wants to send us to safe places to do easy things? ~ Mark Batterson God has called on some great men over the course of history to do some incredible things. Consider Joshua, Caleb, Abraham, Moses, David, Sampson, and most of all – Jesus. These men didn’t squander opportunity. They rose to the occasion and stood up for God. Are we part of this elite remnant of men? Or are we standing on the sidelines blending in with the crowd? Get your Men's Alliance REMNANT t-shirt here! Book: Take it Back by Dr. Tim Clinton  If you'd like to support our Men's Alliance podcast please click here.  Even $1 a month helps! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Oct 22
11 min
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Ep 3: The $100 Bill

Men’s Alliance

I learned an important lesson about how NOT to fight, I lost $100, but I learned to apply that lesson to other areas of life and step up my game as a dad. Find your tribe at mensalliancetribe.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Oct 16
11 min
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Ep 68: The Story You Tell

Men’s Alliance

What's the story you tell yourself when your friend doesn't return your text message or when a driver cuts you off in traffic?  Do you tell yourself a story that makes you feel like an angry victim?  Or do you tell yourself a story consistent with being an ambassador for Christ? In this podcast we'll explain the story that a barbarian ambassador should tell. If you enjoy this podcast or if Men's Alliance has made a difference in your life, please go to mensalliancetribe.com/support and support your Tribe as much as you support Netflix. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mensalliancetribe/support

Jan 14
07 min
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