Before getting into a debate, it’s a good idea to have the opponents playbook. Listen to hear the oppositions best arguments on why abortion is not murder. Podcast Mentioned:Ep 182: Men & Abortion --- Support this podcast:
Author and speaker, Greg Koukl, explains how we can share our faith by asking questions. Listen as Greg demonstrates how to talk about your beliefs and how to share the gospel without getting stressed. Learn more about Greg: Stand to Reason - website Books Mentioned: Street Smarts - Greg Koukl New Book Tactics - Greg Koukl Book The Story of Reality - Greg Koukl Book A Manual for Creating Atheists - Peter Boghossian Cold Case Christianity - J Warner Wallace Keeping Your Kids on God's Side - Natasha Crain Hero: Being the Strong Father Your Children Need - Meg Meeker Start the Fire Weekend - Register Here --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeIn the Air Force we study our charts and mark the high terrain in order to avoid crashing. Yet many men are flying through life unaware of the dangers that can destroy their marriage. If we are to be the husbands and fathers that God designed us to be then we must know the threats that are out there and avoid them at all costs. --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeThis week's War Story features Todd 'Baller' Johnson and his journey. From leaving the church at a young age and finding family with the Grateful Dead, to chasing the next good feeling... and winding up in jail. Listen to Baller's transformation through reading the bible, and finding Men's Alliance. This lead him to take his stories, bumps, and scars to become a stronger leader and man of God. We are not perfect people walking in a straight line, but God takes our stories and turns them into ways to share the word with others. --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeHospitality is not about showing off, it’s about making others feel welcome. Be willing to not have everything together but welcome others in genuine love and friendship. Support MA --- Support this podcast:
Listen to full episodeThis episode focuses on Respect and asks pointed questions about what is Respect. What is Respect? How do you learn Respect? Where do you show Respect during your days? Are you Respected? Challenge tell at least 5 people a day one thing you respect about them. How many days in a row can you do it? --- Support this podcast:
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