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Mission Brief 55: Wives Submit! The Biblical Truth About Marriage That Society Hates

Is Ephesians 5:22-25 the most controversial Bible verse in America today? In this Mission Brief, Goose dives deep into the often-ignored and highly debated biblical teaching on the roles of husbands and wives that pastors in today's society do NOT want to touch. 🔥 Key Topics Covered: • What the Bible really says about submission in marriage • Why ignoring these teachings is leading to societal breakdown • The impact of feminism, rising divorce rates, and the struggle for intimacy in modern relationships • How 1 Corinthians 7 warns against withholding intimacy and its dangerous consequences • A call to return to biblical principles for stronger families and healthier relationships Many have dismissed these teachings as outdated or oppressive, but could they actually be the key to restoring families and relationships in today’s culture? Goose challenges both men and women to embrace their God-given roles and step into a future rooted in biblical truth. 👉 Watch now and decide for yourself: Is this verse the key to saving marriages or just too controversial to discuss? 🔔 Don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE for more thought-provoking content on faith, relationships, and family values. Watch on YT! Follow Men's Alliance Instagram - Facebook - Tiktok - Website - Order the Book - Answer With Truth: The Ambassador’s Field Manual for Leading Your Family Spiritually -

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Ep 86: Busy w/ Ray Wageman

Men’s Alliance

Everyone is busy, and no one wants to hear how busy you are or think you are. You can find the time for what is really important. So what are some ways to get your priorities the time they need? Luke shares with us some words from Jesus about busyness. What takes priority in your life? --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 85: The Worst Thing You Can Do

Men’s Alliance

Theodore Roosevelt said, "The worst thing you can do is nothing," and I completely agree. Whether it's working out, having a daily devotion, or leading your family spiritually, it's better to do SOMETHING than to sit on the sidelines doing nothing because you don't have time to create a five-star production. We don't have to be perfect in order to lead workouts and devotions at Men's Alliance. We just have to be willing to get off the sideline. --- Support this podcast:

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Ambassador Training 5: Evil as Evidence for God

Men’s Alliance

When people ask why a good God would allow evil, chances are they've never stopped to consider how they know the difference between good and evil. If there is an objective, universal standard of good and evil that every human knows in their heart, then where did that "moral law" come from? Answer: it came from a Moral Law Giver. --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 84: What's in a Name? w/ Jeff VanAtta

Men’s Alliance

Names are important and they have meaning.   Looking at some of the names of God and where they come from, helps us to better understand our relationship with him.   Do you have a favorite name for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? When you pray what name do you pray to? Is it always the same one for every prayer, and in every moment? God's multiple names shows us that he has a name for every season we are in, showing that he is always present, no matter what we are going through.  Challenge What name do you pick for yourself, and what do you want your name to mean? --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 82: Transgender & Truth

Men’s Alliance

"The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?"  Jeremiah 17:9 We should NOT follow our hearts. We should not base our decisions on how we FEEL.   Feelings change, hearts deceive us, but the objective Truth of the Gospel of Jesus is unchanging.   Make no mistake, culture is attacking gender because "God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."  Culture is attacking Truth because Jesus said, "I am the Truth," and culture is attacking love because scripture teaches that God is love.   It's a well-orchestrated attack against the very nature and image of God, and we must be men who stand for the Truth. --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 83: Building Fences

Men’s Alliance

You can’t be angry at someone for overrunning a line that doesn’t exist. Well-defined boundaries in any relationship are necessary. They protect us from the whims of others and prevent resentment and anger down the road. Improve your relationships by reading Boundaries by Dr.'s Cloud and Townsend. And for more great book recommendations, check out the MA Bookshelf --- Support this podcast:

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Ambassador Training 4: DNA as Evidence for God

Men’s Alliance

Bill Gates said, “DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.” In each cell in your body there is a word that is 6.4 billion letters long. It's called your DNA, and it's more advanced than any computer software ever created.  So, who wrote that DNA software that makes you uniquely you? If you believe that even a simple cave painting had a designer, then you must admit that the most advanced software ever created must certainly have a designer too. --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 81: Isolation w/ Ray Wageman

Men’s Alliance

When have you felt isolated? There are different ways we can feel isolated, such as emotional and physical isolation.  When we are isolated we are at risk from the enemies attack.  Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment. Proverbs 18:1 Isolation is Terminal. Find your tribe today at  --- Support this podcast:

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Ambassador Training 3: Who Made God?

Men’s Alliance

Learn how to answer the common question "Who made God?" and learn one of the oldest and best arguments for the existence of God - the Kalam Cosmological Argument. Remember:  Atheists believe that the entire universe came into existence from NOTHING. This takes more blind faith to believe than any miracle recorded in the Bible! --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 80: State of the M.A. Union

Men’s Alliance

Listen to how God is using and growing Men's Alliance and find out how you can help us continue to reach more men for Christ! Click here to support Men's Alliance. --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 79: Confidence w/ Connor Dillingham

Men’s Alliance

Men, are you confident? If not, do you ever ask yourself why not?  Where  do you find your source of confidence?  God wants us to be confident and helps us with confidence. Confidence is important for every man! Proverbs 3:26 For the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught. Harry Truman said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” Here are some books for becoming better husbands, fathers, and spiritual leaders and build confidence: Looking for other ways to build confidence? Sign up to lead a workout or devotion.  No Men's Alliance near you, then stand up and be the man who starts one. --- Support this podcast:

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Ambassador Training 2: What Do Christians Believe?

Men’s Alliance

Ever wonder what makes Christianity unique from other religions?  Or what specifically you'd have to believe to become a Christian?  In this episode we're going to unpack the simplest, purest definition of being a Christian, and I think it may just surprise you... --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 78: Anxiety w/ Robert Braxton

Men’s Alliance

Millions suffer from anxiety, yet people usually hide it.  In this episode, Robert gets real and shares his journey.  He includes what the Bible says about anxiety, to include the practical steps he took to cope with anxiety.  The book You Are Not Your Brain by Jeffrey Schwartz and Rebecca Gladding shares the following 4 steps: 1) Relabel 2) Reframe 3) Refocus 4) Revalue Ending with some verses that help bring strength and peace with Philippians 4:4-9 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be  careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with  thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 77: Peter Was a Failure w/ Mark McGrath

Men’s Alliance

Peter was brash and bold.  Jesus rebuked him several times, yet he was listed first among the disciples in the gospel.  The fact that Peter was a disciple should give us comfort knowing that we are not the only ones to fail.  Even with all Peter's failures, Jesus told him "I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.".  What will Jesus do with you, even with all your failures? Register here for Alex McFarland on March 25th. --- Support this podcast:

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Ambassador Training 1: Relativism, Pluralism & Scientism

Men’s Alliance

We're called to be Ambassador's for Christ (2 Cor 5:20) but how can we do that well if we don't know how to respond to the most common objections that the world has? In Round #1 of Ambassador Training, we'll look at each of the following objections to Christianity: Relativism - "There is no such thing as absolute truth. You have yours and I have mine." Pluralism - "All paths lead to God, there is more than one correct way." Scientism - "Only science yields truth; religion is merely a matter of opinion." Sources: McGrath, Alister. (2012). Mere Apologetics: How to help seekers & skeptic find faith. Grand Rapids, Michigan:  Baker Publishing Group. Lewis, C.S. (2001). Mere Christianity. New York, New York: HarperCollins Publishers. Moreland, J.P. (2018). Scientism and Secularism: Learning how to respond to a dangerous ideology. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway. Geisler, Norman & Turek, Frank. (2004). I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist. Wheaton, Illinois:  Crossway. Koukl, Gregory. (2019). Tactics: 10th Anniversary Edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan. --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 76: What Made You Quit?

Men’s Alliance

Do you quit when you hit a snag? Do you walk away when there's a dispute? As Christian men, should we work out our problems or ghost those who offend us? When it comes to church, many men walk away because it isn't perfect when they should be rolling up their sleeves and working to make it better. --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 75: I Will Finish Strong w/ Ray Wageman

Men’s Alliance

Don't focus on short term results, keep your eyes on the long term results. You need to train yourself to think differently for the long term, than the short term.  We all fail, but that doesn't mean its over Remember your past failures do not define you. Finish Strong! --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 74: What is Friendship? w/ Corey Hence

Men’s Alliance

What does friendship mean to you? Where have you found friends in the past? As we get older should we continue to try and relive old friendship experiences or go in new directions as we grow in our faith journey? What is a Biblical friendship, and how can we cultivate Biblical friendships that are more connected and fulfilling then regular friendships?  It is important to surround ourselves with the right group of friends that help build us up and not pull us back.  --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 73: Free Bird

Men’s Alliance

My personal story of having my first kid leave the nest and choose to enlist in the military rather than go to college.  Here's what it taught me, and why I'm glad I let him choose his own adventure. --- Support this podcast:

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Ep 72: Top Guy Movies of Men's Alliance

Men’s Alliance

In this podcast we take a break from our usual short devotional to talk about our favorite guy movies, and why it's important to choose movies where the man leads like a man should.  --- Support this podcast:

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