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Is Ephesians 5:22-25 the most controversial Bible verse in America today? In this Mission Brief, Goose dives deep into the often-ignored and highly debated biblical teaching on the roles of husbands and wives that pastors in today's society do NOT want to touch. 🔥 Key Topics Covered: • What the Bible really says about submission in marriage • Why ignoring these teachings is leading to societal breakdown • The impact of feminism, rising divorce rates, and the struggle for intimacy in modern relationships • How 1 Corinthians 7 warns against withholding intimacy and its dangerous consequences • A call to return to biblical principles for stronger families and healthier relationships Many have dismissed these teachings as outdated or oppressive, but could they actually be the key to restoring families and relationships in today’s culture? Goose challenges both men and women to embrace their God-given roles and step into a future rooted in biblical truth. 👉 Watch now and decide for yourself: Is this verse the key to saving marriages or just too controversial to discuss? 🔔 Don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE for more thought-provoking content on faith, relationships, and family values. Watch on YT! Follow Men's Alliance Instagram - Facebook - Tiktok - Website - Order the Book - Answer With Truth: The Ambassador’s Field Manual for Leading Your Family Spiritually -
In life there are peaks and valleys, easy times and hard times. How do you stay on the peaks of life and get through the valleys quickly? Highlands (song of ascent) by Hillsong United --- Support this podcast:
Have you ever had a friend really piss you off and you had to decide whether to just be done with this person completely or go talk to them and fix the problem? We've all been there, and in this episode I will tell you why it's better to roll up your sleeves and fix the messy relationship problems than it is to just walk away. --- Support this podcast:
This episode focuses on Respect and asks pointed questions about what is Respect. What is Respect? How do you learn Respect? Where do you show Respect during your days? Are you Respected? Challenge tell at least 5 people a day one thing you respect about them. How many days in a row can you do it? --- Support this podcast:
Ever feel like the Men's Alliance workout is too hard? Like the bar is set too high? In this podcast you'll hear how that is a metaphor for our spiritual lives, too. The standard set for us is Jesus Christ and we all fall short of the mark. At Men's Alliance we give ourselves grace when we fall short of the standard, but we will never lower the bar. Not physically and not spiritually either. --- Support this podcast:
A new season is here and every season has a story arc. Happiness, suffering, victory. Things can't go back to the way they were, but we can focus on what we can change and look forward. What are some ways you are focused on the life after? --- Support this podcast:
The old phrase "Marriage takes hard work" is a gross understatement. The truth is there will be times when you want to kill each other! But when you find yourself in one of these low points in marriage and you're thinking about walking away, know this - we've all been there, and it will get better. Hey, we wouldn't have to take a vow before God that "until death do us part" if this marriage thing were supposed to be easy! --- Support this podcast:
What is a tool: a device that adds in accomplishing a task. Or something used in performing an operation or necessary in the practice of a vocation such as a scholars books are his tools. Humans are the only creature who uses tools to create tools. Its important to have the right tools for the job. But how do you know the right tools to have? How do we develop new tools? What tools can we use to help us grow? Do the old tools you have serve you anymore? Which tools do you need to maintain, and which ones can you get rid of? What tools has God given you? Are you willing to be the tool in Gods Hand? Pinewood Derby Car video : BBC Video of monkeys using tools: --- Support this podcast:
Can you hold it all together for the rest of your life? Can you resist temptation for 40 more years? Honesty, I'm not sure if I can and that's a scary thought. But here's the secret, we don't have to. And the only question that matters is what will we choose to do today. --- Support this podcast:
Are you holding back in your life, living small, planning for failure? Here are two stories that show how I was planning for failure without noticing, then taking ownership. Are you holding back in your life, living small, planning for failure? What about your walk with Christ? What are the ways you can plan and take action on for strength? Find your tribe at --- Support this podcast:
What is your daily practice to bring you closer to Christ? Listen to hear about how a new daily practice can be formed. If you already have a practice are you still growing from it, or do you need to reengage and do things differently. Here are some of the tools talked about in todays episode: you version bible app for your phone - Book - Atomic Habits by James Clear - Box Breathing - Retired Navy Seal Commander Mark Devine - Bible Reading Plan - --- Support this podcast:
There are some casualties of COVID that aren't found on the CDC website. Here are three things that some men don't realize COVID is killing. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode we'll discuss a huge problem with traditional church small groups, and how Men's Alliance does things differently. --- Support this podcast:
Have you stopped watching the news because it brings you down? Have you given it up altogether? Here's my take on hearing men say that they don't even watch the news anymore. Let me know if you agree or disagree by emailing [email protected] --- Support this podcast:
Have you ever been so beat down by work and responsibility that you feel too tired to work out or to have a devotion? We all have! But honestly, those are the times we need it the most. We need Men's Alliance the most whenever we feel like it the least. --- Support this podcast:
Listen as three firefighters talk about why they joined Men's Alliance and what keeps them coming back each week! Thanks Backdraft, Pedals, and Sunshine for making such an great podcast episode! --- Support this podcast:
Many churches today have surrendered the battleground of men's hearts and focused instead on bringing in a demographic that's easier to attract - kids. This mistake has led to the feminization of church. It's time for the church to meet men where they are by un-bundling the message of Jesus from the routine of "going to church." "When a mother comes to Christ, her family will join her at church only 17% of the time; but when a father comes to Christ, his family joins him 93% of the time." - Find your tribe at --- Support this podcast:
Culture is what makes a group unique and it's what determines who is the "us" and "them." What sort of culture have you created in your family? Is it a fun family culture that will be fondly remembered for generations? If not, you can change that today. You can build the culture you want. In Men's Alliance we have a culture unlike any group I've ever been in. It sets us apart as a group of men who value honor, strength, patriarchy, and God, - a brotherhood of like-minded men. It's our culture that makes Men's Alliance incredible. Find your tribe at --- Support this podcast:
Our kids are a lot smarter than most churches think. And we should teach them the deep answers to tough questions. Set them up to know what they believe and why. Demand more from your youth group than just games and pizza. If you want your kid to have a foundation that cannot be shaken by their atheists college professors than give them the apologetics they crave now. Trust me, they can handle it. Recommended Books: I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist - Frank Turek Cold Case Christianity - J. Warner Wallace Tactics - Greg Koukl Can Science Explain Everything - John Lennox Stealing From God - Frank Turek The Case For Christ - Lee Strobel No God But One - Nabeel Qureshi Recommended Debates on Youtube: John Lennox vs. Richard Dawkins John Lennox vs. Christopher Hitchens Dan Wallace vs. Bart Ehrman James White vs. Bart Ehrman William Lane Craig vs. Shabir Ally Find your tribe at --- Support this podcast:
Have you ever attended a big annual conference for Christian men, only to find yourself struggling spiritually just a few weeks later? If you're wondering "What's next?" after coming down from that spiritual sugar high, we have the meat and potatoes answer to give you the strength you need each week. Men's Alliance Tribes are the answer to "What's next?" Learn more at --- Support this podcast:
Filters keep a car's engine running smooth - the way it was designed. Listen as Greg unpacks a filter to keep our minds running the way they were designed as well. Find your tribe at --- Support this podcast: